Latest Episodes

Song Dissect: Open Up The Heavens by Vertical Worship
Listen to the theology and scripture behind the song Open Up the Heavens by Vertical Worship! These are the reasons we stand behind this...

Song Dissect: Your Church by Canyon Hills Worship
Listen to learn the theology and biblical basis for the song "your church" by canyon hills worship!

Song Dissect: CeCe Winans - Believe For It
CeCe Winans - Believe For It Scripture References - Matthew 17:20 - Matthew 28:6 - Matthew 28:18 - Proverbs 3:6 - Revelation 21:27 SFYA...
Go to Church | Cooporate Worship | Spiritual Development W6
Dueteronomy 12:4-7 1 Chronicles 16:25-27 Matthew 18:19 Hebrews 10:25 Ruth Haley Barton: Pursuing God’s Will Together.
Be a Servant | Service | Spiritual development Series W5
Richard Foster: Celebration of Discipline Gary Thomas: Sacred Pathways
Talk to God | Prayer | Spiritual Development Series W4
Norman Grubb: Rees Howells Intercessor